Posts Tagged ‘Philippians (2012)’
Philippians Lecture 10 – Unity as Witness
Paul exhorts the Philippians stand firm with one another and to be of one mind in the strongest rhetorical terms. Unity in Christ is a witness to Christ and the lack of unity is a scandal. Real love (not sentimental love) binds Christians one to another. All of us should have the same disposition, the…
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 9 – Spiritual Unity
Paul has concerns about unity breaking down in Philippians at a spiritual level. They have suffered years of persecution and poverty. Paul comforts them in this, saying it is a sign from God. They have been granted suffering for Him, and the evildoers will be punished. Download MP3 (17:50; 25 MB)
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 8 – Glory to God through Chains
Paul calls for the Philippians’ love to grow and abound in knowledge and in understanding. He discusses suffering, giving joy that his imprisonment has led his preaching the Gospel to have such a wide reach. He argues that persecution is a privilege and a sign of one’s devotion to Christ. Download MP3 (28:15; 20 MB)
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 7 – Paul’s Thanksgiving
Paul is incredibly thankful to God for Philippi, and thankful for God’s grace and work through them. This thankfulness buoys him as he serves his prison sentence, and is a model for us as we are called to “rejoice always and in everything give thanks.” Download MP3 (28:35; 19 MB)
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 6 – Salutations
Paul introduces himself and Timothy as servants of Christ Jesus, and the significance of this title is discussed. The letter is addressed to the entire community, not just the overseers and deacons. They are all saints, through grace in Jesus Christ. The titles of overseer and deacon also have different connotations in that time than…
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 5 – Introducing the Church of Philippi
Paul maintains a warm friendship with the church of Philippi. They are poor and persecuted but joyful and generous beyond their means. Paul’s letter to them, written from prison, reflects that effusive joy. Some references to Philippi in the other letters are discussed. Download MP3 (19:29; 13 MB)
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 4 – Beginning to Preach
Some of Paul and Luke’s initial efforts at preaching in Philippi are chronicled. They meet and convert Lydia, a wealthy woman who would later be helpful in their other Macedonian efforts. They are arrested and beaten for their work, yet their are freed by the Lord through an earthquake. They convert their jailer and his…
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 3 – Arriving in Philippi
Paul entered Asia but the Holy Spirit prevented him from evangelizing. He has a vision of a Macedonian man encouraging him to come to Macedonia. Paul makes his way to Phillipi, a major city in Macedonia. Phillipi is a rich port city with access to farmland and gold. It is also the site of the…
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 2 – The Council of Jerusalem and Plotting New Churches
In this lecture we continue discussing some of the background history that leads to Philippians. We discuss the Council of Jerusalem, which decides the responsibilities of Gentiles with regard to Jewish law, and Paul’s initial plan for his mission which he intends to take to Asia Minor. Download MP3 (21:19; 14 MB)
Read MorePhilippians Lecture 1 – The Spread of the Church
St. Paul has an effusive relationship with the Church of Philippi. Philippi was the beachhead of Christian evangelization in Europe. The stoning of Steven led to the scattering of the Church in Jerusalem and Judea. As a result, the faith spreads out to Gentile populations. Initially Gentile conversions were not a focus, but a side…
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