Posts Tagged ‘Thessalonians (2011)’
Thessalonians 14 – Conclusion
In strong terms, Paul commands the people not to associate with those who live in idleness. This is not simply lending a helping hand to those who are down on their luck, but to those who refuse to work and simply live on others and gossip. Paul commands such people to attend to their work…
Read MoreThessalonians 13 – Tying Second Thessalonians Together
The second coming will be a terrible day for some, but it will be the end of the journey for the faithful. Paul prays that the word of the Lord speed on as the Thessalonians have been doing and are continuing to do. Paul prays that God directs His people to Himself. Download MP3 (56:17;…
Read MoreThessalonians 12 – The Desolating Sacrilege
The book of Daniel predicts that a desolating sacrilege will appear in the temple. People had thought that the desecration of the temple in the time of the Maccabees was this, but Jesus says that this is yet to come. This is an antichrist who will cause sacrifice to cease. There will be a tribulation…
Read MoreThessalonians 11 – The Man of Lawlessness
Paul addresses the likely reason for this second letter, a misapprehension of the second coming. Some had been caught up in the belief that the second coming had happened or was about to happen soon. This idea may have come from a false letter of Paul. The end times will be accompanied by a man…
Read MoreThessalonians 10 – An Introduction to the End Times
When the Lord is revealed on the last day, He will be revealed from Heaven, in power, and in the fire of justice, which may or may not also be a literal fire. God will punish those who do not know God and refuse to obey Him. Yet it is by God’s grace that we…
Read MoreThessalonians 09 – Growing in Faith
Thessalonica is growing in faith. Paul’s catechesis is an exercise in growing in holiness. The Thessalonians were eager to hear the good news and were preparing for the second coming. Paul sees that they have already grown in love, and Christians must have love to care for their fellow Christians. On the last day, those…
Read MoreThessalonians 08 – Encouraging the Faint-Hearted
Paul instructs Christians to encourage those in our communities who may be struggling in faith, calling on similar statements in Colossians 3 and Romans 12. Download MP3 (40:35; 23 MB)
Read MoreThessalonians 07 – The End of the World
Paul tells is that we must be prepared for the end times, and not be in the dark like the rest of mankind. Isaiah 59 may have been in Paul’s mind when he wrote this section. Paul uses a metaphor of armor here that is similar to the one in Ephesians but with different metaphors.…
Read MoreThessalonians 06 – The Christian View of Death
Paul instructs Christians not to shun manual labor but to engage others in their lives in Christian love so that we are command the respect of others. We must be blameless and holy on the last day, since it will be on that state that we will be judged. There will not be a period…
Read MoreThessalonians 05 – Holy Chastity
Paul calls Christians to catechize and root the new disciples in faith and in practice, but he focuses on three issues in chapter 4 under the subject of holiness: sexual issues, love of the brotherhood, and those Christians who have died. For Christians, it is vitally important that they do not give those who would…
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