St. Irenaeus Mass and Potluck

Dear Friends of St. Irenaeus  (and St. Titus too): You are invited to join us on our patronal feast day for The Mass of St. Irenaeus Saturday, June 27th at 4:00 pm in Murphy Hall at St. John Fisher College Murphy Hall is across East Ave. ( 31f ) from the main campus. Fr. Mike…

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The Advent of Hope

In Isaiah we read of the Servant songs, a collection of poems or songs speaking of the servant of God. There are ancient Rabbinic sources that see Isaiah 53 as referring explicitly to a suffering Messiah. The Babylonian Talmud, the midrash on Ruth, the Aramaic Targum, the writings of Moses Maimonides, and the mystical texts…

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The Advent of Hope

The Second Coming of Christ is a key doctrine in our Creed. And yet, it often does not receive a great deal of attention. It necessarily completes and complements the First Coming. Without a lively anticipation of Our Lord’s return, our faith is left a great deal diminished.  The Psalms speak to the Messianic Hope…

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Colossians Bible Study Announced

Announcing our new spring Bible study! Beginning this Tuesday, April 28!   Unfortunately, our regular mailings are arriving late. So we are notifying everyone on our mailing list of our new study – a four week study in St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians. This should be a special study, one that is particularly appropriate…

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The Advent of Hope

Prophecy plays a key role in the Old Testament understanding of hope, particularly that great Messianic hope. Prophecy should be understood as speaking with Divine Authority to convey the message that God wills for a particular audience. We see from the Bible that becoming a prophet was nothing that anyone took upon themselves. It is all…

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The Advent of Hope

The young David, a singer of God’s praises, would come to set up temple worship as a mature man. He was a great sinner, and a great repenter. The Psalms give us a detailed account of his inner dispositions. All of David’s great accomplishments look forward to an even greater reality, which is seen in…

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May 2015 Magnificat Breakfast Announced

The next Magnificat Rochester Women’s Breakfast will be held on May 30, 2015 and will feature the testimony of Monica Pierce. You can read more about the breakfast on their event page here or at

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The Advent of Hope

Biblical hope is not calculated, not contingent; it is absolute. We know that God always intends good for those who hope in Him. Biblical hope is more of an expectation, with an element of eagerness. As we read in Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for”. The covenent between God and Abraham is…

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Amos Series Starts This Week

Lenten Bible Study for 2015 The Book of the Prophet Amos “God’s Call to Justice & Holiness” in five sessions This week we begin a new Bible study well-suited for Lent. We will be taking up the small but powerful Book of the Prophet Amos. In five sessions we are going to look at the…

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The Advent of Hope

The Biblical concept of hope appears in the stories of all the great patriarchs. With Jacob, great promises are given despite his imperfections and slow spiritual growth. His son Joseph is a savior-figure, a type, who we can see as looking forward to Jesus Christ. In Genesis 49:10, we read of the “sceptre of Judah”.…

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