New Study: How Then Shall We Live?
February 1, 2018
We will be launching our new study series, “How Then Shall We Live?” – starting this next week, the first full week of February. It will be a serious and careful reconsideration of the the essential Law of God in the Ten Commandments and the higher way to which Christ calls us in the Beatitudes.
These are familiar passages, but so often passed over too lightly, so that we fail to grasp and apply all that is there. But when studied with due attention, we realize that these divine revelations were given to us as a necessary moral anchor for human life. But there is so much more here than most of us realize. The Ten Commandments and Beatitudes should be foundational to Christian discipleship. But for that to be the case, they must first be opened up, digested, set firmly in heart and mind, and lived out by the grace of God.
This is a short, six-session series, beginning the week of Feb. 6–8, breaking for the week of Ash Wednesday, and continuing on through Lent up to Holy Week – six sessions in all. As usual classes will be held in three locations: Tuesday nights at the St. Irenaeus Center from 7:15 to 9:00, Wednesday nights in Charlotte from 7:15 to 9:00, and Thursday mornings again at the St. Irenaeus Center from 9:30 to 11:30. Each session will involve teaching from the text and guided discussion of practical and spiritual implications.
Please see the flyer for more details, and consider joining us for this series on our moral foundations.
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