Moses surveys the land of Canaan, and then passes away. The Lord Himself buries Moses, in a place that no-one knows. There is some speculation that Moses was assumed into Heaven as Elijah. No other prophet since has since known God face to face and performed such mighty deeds–except Jesus Christ.
Overall, Deuteronomy is an exhortation not just to know the Law of the Lord, but to follow it. Those who know the Law but do not follow it blaspheme the Lord to others. We must work to follow it with all our hearts, and graciously accept the mercy and grace of God when we fall short.
While this completes the chapter-by-chapter lectures of Deuteronomy, the next few episodes will continue the subject by addressing questions and further thoughts. Then we will move on to the next study.
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This episode discusses the specific blessings Moses leaves to each tribe. These are comparable to the blessings Jacob leaves to his sons before his death. Many have implications for military ability or wealth and prosperity.
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Through a poem, God brings forward a case against the Hebrew nation for their iniquity. He lays out the love, care, and guidance He provided to the Israelites. When they became prosperous, they forsook Him and served other gods. As a result, the Lord gives favor to Gentiles to provoke jealousy to the Jews. God pledges to turn his wrath toward the Jews for their sin, resulting in complete destruction. In the end, God will prove His sovereignty. Finally, God will make atonement for the sins of His people. After the song, Moses is once again reminded that he will not cross the Jordan as a consequence for his disobeying God in full view of the people. Moses, as a leader and example for his people was, as the book of Hebrews says, is “keeping watch over” the souls of the people they lead. Leaders and teachers will be judged on how they handle this responsibility.
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Moses is very old, and will not cross the Jordan; but the Lord will cross the Jordan and crush the Canaanites, with Joshua leading the people. Every seven years, the Law will be taught to the people by the priests. It will also be taught by elders and public officials. The Lord appears to Moses, warning him that the Israelites will rebel against Him, incurring His wrath. He knew this would happen even before making the agreement with the Israelites. This is not a failure of the Law, but just part of a plan that will be fulfilled by Christ. The Lord tells Moses to teach the Hebrews a song as a reminder of the Law after they have forsaken it. If the Hebrews try to argue that the Lord has not held up His end of the bargain, this song is a rebuttal.
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The Law of the Lord is not beyond our reach. It is here, and accessible. Therefore, we must decide to study it and follow it. We are given the choice of Life or Death, being For or Against the Lord. The New Testament repeats this message in reference to Christ. We have the freedom to choose either path, and while we live God’s mercy beckons us to turn to the path of Life.
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Moses expresses concern that despite knowing God’s power, the Hebrews still do not have a mind for obedience. In fact this wisdom does not come naturally, but is a gift from God, one that must be sought in faith. At this point in Deuteronomy, the Israelites truly become the People of God. Once again Moses warns against idolatry, which, even as an individual sin, can poison the entire nation. The nature of God is unsearchable, but God has revealed a great amount to His people in the scriptures that we may know Him better and love Him. Moses reiterates the generous mercy the Lord will provide to those who repent and return to Him.
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The Lord promises every good thing to the Israelites — fruitful farms and families, safety and security, financial affluence, and a recognized place in the world as God’s own people. However, for this to pass, the Israelites must diligently obey the Word of God in its entirety. However, if the Israelites do not obey the Lord, He promises famine, pestilence, enslavement, and utter destruction. Deuteronomy Chapter 28 explores these blessings and cursings in gruesome detail. Finally this is tied into the New Testament discussion of sin and God’s correction of His children.
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Moses appears with the elders that will take his place to exhort the people one more time. The people are ordered to write the Law in a stone memorial when they cross the Jordan. They will sacrifice offerings to the Lord and share in a meal with one another to rejoice in the Lord. Each person in Israel has individually committed to serving and loving the Lord. They commit specifically to being cursed if they perform one of 12 violations of God’s Law. Many of these violations can be perfomed away from human eyes, but God sees all. Atonement must be made for these sins, and if it is truly earnest than God will forgive.
In addition, your humble editor apologizes for missing an episode last week.
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This episode is a short meditation of the laws in the previous lessons, and how we take their message and incorporate these laws into our faith. We need to correctly know and understand these laws, then digest them, pray on them, and let them into our hearts. These laws are supported, expanded upon, and taught by Jesus and the writers of the New Testament. These laws,rightly understood, are how we love God and love our neighbor. Rather than just experiencing our faith through words and feelings, we can put it into action in service of the Lord.
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When harvesting crops, forgotten fruits are meant to be left for the poor and needy rather than carefully recovered. The property is the Lord’s, and the Israelites are mere stewards of that property.
If a man dies without bearing a son, his brother is meant to marry the widow and bear a son for him. This is not only so that the man’s heritage is preserved, but also so that the widow may be cared for by these sons. The younger brother does not profit from this arrangment, but serves his duty to their family and averts selfishness.
Finally, the firstfruits of crops are offered to the Lord and to the poor. All of this is written to remind us to constantly consider the Lord and the poor when we have abundance. Moreover we are called not to follow the minimum requirements, but extend them as FAR as our heart and soul can bear!
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