Bible Study Begins This Week: The Advent of Hope
November 9, 2014
This week we begin our new study, The Advent of Hope. This will be a study on God’s saving intention toward his creation. There will be five lessons, taking us up to Christmas: each lesson, we’ll focus in on scriptural witnesses to the unfolding of God’s plan. We’ll also be trying out a new format: the first half will be biblical instruction, the second half will be discussion.
We hope you can join us this week and going forward:
Tuesdays, 7:15–9:00 pm at St. John Fisher College
Wednesdays, 7:15–9:00 pm in Charlotte
Thursdays, 9:0–11:00 am at the St. Irenaeus Center
For more information, call us at (585) 288-1618 or download the class flyer here.
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