Journeyman 2016 – Old Testament Themes
July 5, 2016
A new five-week study
Our summer journeyman programs are general survey courses, usually alternating material from the Old and New Testaments and Church history – or some major spiritual topic. In these sessions we attempt to give a convenient handle on material, which can serve as a useful foundation for further study.
This year we are returning to the Old Testament, focusing on major themes and going over certain reference materials, useful to all students of Scripture. Our goal is to provide a basic map of the Old Testament that will give the big picture of God’s plan and a key to its understanding.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches:
“the Old Testament is an indispensable part of Sacred Scripture. Its books are divinely inspired and retain a permanent value – for the Old Covenant has never been revoked.”
Yet many Christians find the Old Testament Scriptures difficult to navigate. It is easy to get lost in the details. Nevertheless, these ancient writings are foundational to the Christian faith. It is important that we should have a good grasp of their proper use.
Beginning on July 13th
Wednesday nights, 7:15–9:00 PM
at the St. Irenaeus Center, 542 Blossom Rd.
The Basic Map of Content
Session One – July 13:
Overview of Types of Writings: Content & Canon
Session Two – July 20:
Timeline of Biblical History
Session Three – July 27:
God & Man; Creation, Revelation, & Covenant; End & Purpose (telos)
Session Four – August 3:
Sin & Salvation; Morality & Worship (before the Holiness of God)
Session Five – August 10:
Promise to a Chosen People; Kingdom & Christ (note on eschatology)
The suggested cost is $5.00 per session, but college students attend free. If money is an issue, as with all our classes, pay what you can or not at all.
The Journeyman Program is open to all interested adults. Some come simply to listen and learn, while others take a more active role in questioning and discussion. All are welcome.
(For more information call us at (585) 288-1618 or email us at
You can download a printer-friendly version flyer here – make a few copies! Tell your friends!
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