Evangelization Training Workshop
January 14, 2014
Do you want to learn how to share your faith in a non-confrontational joyous way? No experience needed!
St. Paul Street Evangelization will be offering their Basic Evangelization Training program at the Church of the Holy Spirit (1355 Hatch Road, Webster, NY) on Friday, March 14, 7:00—10:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 15, 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
Our holy fathers since Paul VI have been calling all Catholics, whatever their state in life, to be agents of a New Evangelization and share Christ with a hurting and wounded world. You will learn in a hands-on environment how to share your faith in a non-confrontational and joyous way. This is a wonderful opportunity as thousands of Catholics all over the country are finding out that sharing your faith is easy, fun and even energizing.
For more information, contact Fr. Mike Mayer at 585-820-4873 or goodnewsrochester@gmail.com.
You can download a registration form at Fr. Mayer’s website (www.intenselycatholic.com/#!evangelization/c21tc) or register online at siministries.org/evangelization. Your registration fee of $25 ($30 after March 10th) covers an evangelization workbook and refreshments.
Sponsored by Fr. Mike Mayer, St. Irenaeus Ministries and Holy Spirit Parish.
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