Colossians Bible Study Announced
April 27, 2015
Beginning this Tuesday, April 28!
Unfortunately, our regular mailings are arriving late. So we are notifying everyone on our mailing list of our new study – a four week study in St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians.
This should be a special study, one that is particularly appropriate to the Easter Season, because it sets out for us the true power and scope of what we actually can and do possess in Christ – the secret of the Christian life unpacked in four brief chapters. What a study for Easter season!
It is our prayer that this study, with its emphasis on the true realities of our Christian life will be powerful to touch lives and build us up in the faith in a special way.
Locations & Times
Tue. Eve: 7:15 – 9:00 PM at St. John Fisher College
in Murphy Hall across East Ave. (31-F) from the main campus
Wed. Eve: 7:15 – 9:00 PM in Charlotte
at 294 Burley Rd.
Thurs. Morn: 9:00 – 11:00 AM in Rochester
at the St. Irenaeus Center, 542 Blossom Rd.
This week, after a little introduction, we will start out with chapter one of the text, verses 1–23, treating “The Person and Work of Jesus Christ”. Come to one or as many sessions as you can.
We suggest $5.00 a session (1 1/2 – 2 hours instruction with a break), but people pay only what they can afford, and college students are free.
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