Seder Booklet
To enhance your Lenten observance, a communal meal resonant with Paschal themes and with the Last Supper drama
This is a Christian Passover Seder. “Seder” is a Hebrew word meaning “order,” as in an order of service, and it is applied to the traditional form of a ceremonial Passover meal. While our Seder has been drawn from ancient Jewish sources, it is not the typical Jewish Seder, from which it differs markedly and intentionally; neither is it a Eucharistic service. It is simply a communal meal in remembrance of biblical themes, Paschal themes, deeply meaningful to us as Christians.
This little book contains everything you need to keep the feast, from prayers to recipes, including explanations of key moments that should be dwelt upon by the man leading the event. The only thing lacking is a table of Christian brethren with ready hearts, hungry for the things of God.
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- Instructive narrative
- Readings and prayers
- Guidelines for leading, setup, participation
- Recipes for ritual foods
Arranged for easy use. 50 pages, illustrated.