Winter Bible Study: The Church’s Mission for Catholics Today

January 14, 2014

This next week, beginning on January 21st, we are launching a new, six week series on “The Church’s Mission for Catholics Today“. This is in keeping with Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, EVANGELII GAUDIUM and it will draw from recent Church documents and be richly rooted in the Scriptures. We also think that it is very timely in view of our new bishop’s words at his installation:

You the faithful who follow the Lord, possess a faith that burns within you with that same intensity as it did among those of the new born Church who as Saint Irenaeus put it “lived when the echo of the apostles’ preaching and teaching was still audible and Christ’s blood  was still warm and faith burned with a living flame in the heart of the believer”.

So please read our flyer (here) the new classes, especially noting the change in our third location on Thursday mornings – we will meet on Thursdays at the St. Irenaeus Center.

This is only a six week series, ending before Ash Wednesday, and we think that it is particularly timely and important in setting a new and more fruitful direction for the faithful. It’s exciting! So spread the word among your friends.

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