St. Titus Fellowship (03-15-2013)
March 14, 2013
With the election of our new pope, Francis, we rejoice and cannot but see the continued progress toward a new day in the Church. George Weigel sees the post-Vatican II era blossoming into a new and dynamic evangelical Catholicism. This hope will be our topic this Friday.
Colossians Bible Study Announced
Announcing our new spring Bible study! Beginning this Tuesday, April 28! Unfortunately, our regular mailings are arriving late. So we…
May 2015 Magnificat Breakfast Announced
The next Magnificat Rochester Women’s Breakfast will be held on May 30, 2015 and will feature the testimony of Monica Pierce….
Amos Series Starts This Week
Lenten Bible Study for 2015 The Book of the Prophet Amos “God’s Call to Justice & Holiness” in five sessions This…
Bible Study Begins This Week: The Advent of Hope
This week we begin our new study, The Advent of Hope. This will be a study on God’s saving intention toward…
Classes Begin This Week – Witness of Power: Stories of Elisha the Prophet
Dear friends, Tonight we hold the first class in our fall series, Witness of Power: Stories of Elisha the Prophet. The…
Our Next Bible Study: Elijah, the Great Prophet of God
Dear friends: Elijah was the great prophet of God. Though he left us no writings, his actions and teachings are recorded in…