St. Titus Fellowship (03-15-2013)
March 14, 2013
With the election of our new pope, Francis, we rejoice and cannot but see the continued progress toward a new day in the Church. George Weigel sees the post-Vatican II era blossoming into a new and dynamic evangelical Catholicism. This hope will be our topic this Friday.
Faith & Witness – Spring 2016
Faith & Witness Spring 2016 By St. Irenaeus Ministries in Faith & Witness 16 pages, published 5/27/2016 Our Spring 2016 issue…
Announcing Esther
Announcing Our Spring Scripture Study: Lessons from the Book of Esther In five sessions, beginning the week of April 12…
Lenten Pitfalls
Dear Friends, Here we are at the threshold of another Lent, and I’d like to share a few thoughts on making…
Door of Mercy Announced
We will soon begin a special short study, beginning the week after Thanksgiving. It will run only for the first two weeks…
Studies in Deuteronomy Announced
We will soon begin our fall Scripture study, ten weeks in the Book of Deuteronomy. We begin the week after Labor…
St. Irenaeus Mass and Potluck
Dear Friends of St. Irenaeus (and St. Titus too): You are invited to join us on our patronal feast day for…