Men’s Prayer & Witness Breakfast (05-11-2013)
May 1, 2013
following the 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Pius X Church,
3010 Chili Ave. in Chili. [map]
A great opportunity for Catholic men!
Good food & fellowship $5.00 ($3.00 for boys 12 and under)
Our speaker will be Ted J. from St. Irenaeus. Ted, a convert to the faith, has been our right hand man in many of our ministries. He leaves soon for Notre Dame to pursue biblical studies and goes highly recommended as a young scholar and faithful disciple of Christ. He will speak about what he has come to appreciate as a Catholic.
Don’t miss this talk! (We’ll be done before 11:00, with opportunity afterward to meet, talk and pray further.) Spread the word!
For more info call Jeanne Horvath at 482-7252.
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