Fall Study: Israel in the Wilderness

September 24, 2018

This is just an announcement that our fall series, “Israel in the Wilderness: Eight Lessons from the Book of Numbers.”

This is the fifth and final study in our multi-year series on the five books of Torah. The Torah is absolutely foundational to our faith as Christians, revealing God’s nature to us over a vast sweep of history.

We think this study on the Book of Numbers – called in Hebrew B’Midbar, “In the Wilderness” – will be an important one. Because in addition to teaching us about God’s faithfulness to his covenant people through great hardship, the Torah is a kind of sacred roadmap, teaching us how to act so as to grow closer to God and find rest in his consolations.

See the flyer for more details.

NOTE: Wednesday classes have been moved to the St. Irenaeus Center, 542 Blossom Rd.

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