Announcing Our Next Study: Isaiah
October 3, 2019
Announcing Our Fall Scripture Study,
Studies in Isaiah:
A Prophet for Our Times
Six lessons
Among the written prophets of ancient Israel, Isaiah has always held a unique place in the hearts of the great teachers of the faith, because this prophet’s messages of justice, judgment, and hope speak with a special resonance to each generation. Called “the Shakespeare of the Old Testament,” Isaiah’s voice soars across the ages in some of the most piercing prophecies of Old Testament. Jesus quoted him often; and his prophecies of a coming Messiah are especially important in pointing to the Christ. Every student of the Bible needs to draw deeply from Isaiah.
See the flyer for more details, including a schedule of lessons.
Begins the week of October 15
in one of the following three locations:
– at the St. Irenaeus Center –
Tuesday Evenings: 7:15–9:00 PM at 542 Blossom Rd.
– in Charlotte –
Wednesday Evenings: 7:15–9:00 PM at 294 Burley Rd. (off Lake Ave.)
– at the St. Irenaeus Center –
Thursday Mornings: 9:30–11:30 AM at 542 Blossom Rd.
Price: We suggest $5.00 a session, but only pay what you can afford.
College students attend free.
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